fight manipulation

The Ideal Social Network

In order for individuals to win the information war, they must be: resistant to manipulation by centralized entities, and able to safely and easily coordinate with those they trust For this to be the case, the end-user features of an ideal social network are assumed to be: data is only accessible to the intended recipients users only see content shared directly by people they deem trustworthy data is safe and accessible to the owner service is reliable One potentially feasible approach is outlined here. Overview All self-interested centralized entities eventually make decisions that favor themselves to the detriment of others. As a result, it’s unsafe to rely on information services controlled by centralized entities. Every individual should have sole control over their own social infrastructure in order to establish themselves as equal peers to every other entity. This requires individuals to host their own services, which in turn requires minimizing the cost and complexity of hosting. The system described here is a low-peer decentralized message exchange platform with all design decisions made in the interest of the individual user’s independence from third party manipulation. ...



This project aims to defeat manipulation from centralized entities by popularizing systems that put individuals in control of the spread of information. This project is currently pursuing these activities: blog about ideas related to the project to get attention. collect resources to acclerate development. break work into tickets and start working on them. For more, please see the faq.


Project Bootstrap

To get started, we need to decide what tools we will use. The first experiments will be focused on particular parts of the system to prove that current plans are viable. simulate node discovery - now many, and of what type of nodes are required for normal communication to be feasible mock up consensus method creation: format, interface, sharing. it might be fun to see if LLM agents can talk to each other using various consensus methods and get good results....



Functional goals: Given a list of IP addresses, maintain communicative cluster capable of sending and receiving messages between members Maximize ability to maintain cluster with various commonplace network conditions: dynamic IP address periodic temporary connection loss long term connection loss hardware failure Ensure attack surface is minimized to third parties nodes must allow connection from the internet due to changing IP addresses randomly calculated rendezvous windows


Key Management

Cryptographic keys are used at every interface - between nodes to establish identities, to decrypt received data, to encrypt data before transmission, to encrypt data before storage, to decrypt data read from storage, etc. It’s critical that all other components are properly structured around safe key management, so this will be one of the first components developed. Key generation Every user generates a root key that serves as the ultimate recovery key, which is used to bootstrap their cluster....
